Joining the SEAG family in 2019, Bryce quickly made a name for himself amongst the staff as the smoothest winker. But that’s not all he has to offer! Since his start with us, he’s worked his way through the ranks, becoming one of our top Ice Climbing Guides. Alaska Ice climbing is usually thought of as a winter activity, but the glaciers here in the Kennicott Valley provide summer ice climbing opportunities, allowing Bryce to work on his skillset year-round.
After spending some time in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah to focus on skiing, Bryce has landed back on his home turf of the East Coast to play in the Adirondack Mountains. Once some of the classic ice routes start to form this winter, you can bet you’ll find Bryce out lacing up his boots – I think I can hear him sharpening his tools already!
Although Ice Climbing is one of Bryce’s main focuses, it’s not his only love – he taps into his more creative side by sculpting, using metals as his preferred medium. Bryce has even had a few opportunities to use his talents here in McCarthy! The work might not be as artistic as he’s use to…but we’re thankful he’s willing to occasionally put art aside for some more industrial-style welding.
Whether you’d like a chance to catch one of Bryce’s famous winks, learn how to Ice Climb with him, or pick up some welding tips – you can find him during the summer months right here in McCarthy!