Some things are within our control as guides and others are firmly not. In this case, a very dubious weather forecast over the next ten days led us to pull the plug on our team of 9 (6 clients and 3 guides) headed for Mt. Bona and redirect them to Mt. Sanford instead, where the forecast was slightly better and, more importantly, the access point much lower and easy to access in no-so-great weather. They were dropped in the tundra at 5,500 feet yesterday morning and by last night they made their way up to the edge of the glacier at 7,800 feet. Mt. Sanford is a beautiful and seldom climbed peak, with a summit elevation of 16,237, just 150 feel lower than Mt. Blackburn, the tallest of the Wrangells volcanos. It is the 6th highest peak in the United States.
We will keep you posted on their progress!
*The InReach satellite device they are using is labeled Cody Simmons, although he is not actually on the climb ;).