We haven’t been following our Mt. Bona trip as closely as we did the Blackburn climb mainly because they aren’t using a GPS tracking device (and, ok, we’ll acknowledge that the lead guide on this trip, Dave, is a little more “old-school” and less liberal in his use of sat phones and other technology!), but we are happy to report that 3 of the 5 team members successfully summited 16,421 ft Mt. Bona this afternoon about 2 pm. Here’s Dave’s dispatch:
Mt. Bona Team on the Summit, 2:30pm on June 23
Client Sue and assistant guide Cody stayed in camp at 12,000 ft. We don’t know what situation made her unable to continue to the summit (likely difficulty with the altitude), but hopefully they are enjoying the beautiful day from their perch and will welcome the rest of the team back to camp shortly!
Here’s their dispatch from yesterday evening:
14,000ft High Camp on Mt. Bona
We hope to see the whole team back here in McCarthy by Sunday afternoon at the latest (weather permitting as always!).